wah cite ni best gak..aku dpt dr wani..tip top arr..semue best!!lucu!lawak!!best2...n happening gile la..n 1 more thing..the story of love mmg x ketinggalan...ashton bapak arr ensemm gile...beruntung si tue demi moore dpt ashton...wawaawa=)..muke mcm minta kne puji je...ensemm x de tandingan ..
part yg best ..bile c.diaz pindah masuk umh jack(ashton)...kat situ biase arr gado je..bnde yg x bley bla..time jack nk kene kan diaz ..die p cabut pintu toilet...time 2 c.d p kje..balik je kje..die nk g kencing kat toilet tp pintu x ade...die tnye jack..mane pintu?..jack ckp dgn muke selambe.."oh pg td ade perompak masuk umh kite...pintu toilet je yg die curi"..n after that jack tros main game..hahaha..lucu =)
n part yg lucu lg..time dorang mkn pop corn....jack tgh syok garu2 kat dlm seluar..then die p amik pop corn c.d...c.d kate.."no way...i dun want my pop corn have an extra taste that come out from ur pants" ...jack buat x layan n tros simpan semue pop corn dlm sepende die n tros je mkn ...its soo disgusting!!!
n part yg romantic gile time kat tepi pantai..jack kejar2 cari c.d nk bg gambar umh yg c.d nk duduk ble die tue nati...kat situ baru dorang buat confession yg dorang love each other sbnrnye..n then jack propose c.d..-end of the story-..best kan??..
aku nanges jgk tgk cite neh...!!
oh ye..cite ape ek yg aku x nanges after tgk??
mcm xade la....