Saturday, February 28, 2009


adam yg mudah naik angin apebila peluang untuk menang melawan raksaksa hanye lah 20%

adam sudah berubah menjadi raksaksa berkaki platipus.

si mamat yg konon-kononnye kewl membawe beg kehulur ke hilir dan demand tidak mahu memakai sitbelt.

how stupid i am? ..i dunno how to play any game better then megat's (megat adam & megat edy)..
duh!!...aim not born as a good gamer!!caca ask me to open his psp as his brother-adam is keep busying looking around belek here belek there the youtube to watch the ben-10, inside my laptop there is no any game at im not interested to play it why i bother to keep all the games inside my laptop huh?.nyemak je!-dat's it show that im a kind of boring type person?..oh!

love to playing games is not a parameter to people notice u , dat you are a kind of smart people. there is so many ways to looking smart.hahaha....afterall , i realize playing any games can improve the ability to strategize things better.

today: saturday i babysit my nephew for about 4 hours as their mother going to meeting at saturday?!watdeheck kan?.i take care both of them by myself-begitu selamatkah? mum are not here too because she is going to baca yassin at her friend house at 3pm...this take care center is open at 2 to 6 pm only.the rest i want to going out with my mum n my sista and watching midnite movie together.sure-this can blow my day~!yaayy!

oh!!!our house IS SUCH A MESSY-messyy house!grrrrrRR!the 2 botak's buat sepah sane sini.marahnyeee!!
and my duit pon kopak as tadi baru balik dr drive-tru mac-d.

total lost= rm30 and kecederaan hati sekali-x ternilai!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


kuching we will be visiting u soon.=)

early morning - had a short discussion with our lecture about NWNE.she want to know about our progression.What can i say is, we are well prepared although we re doing the final discussion through ym conference only and not taking so much time because the clock had shown up 1 pm already.everybody were so tired after braining and brushing the brain to answer design paper at evening-we need a good night sleep!ya sure!..even the discussion was not taking so much time my team doing pretty well in that presentation.we are a good team mate.=)...

after that .me mushai and dewi went lepakking at mapley.

i jump into the final borakking." jom g kuching.mau?rm80 pegi balik"

after that. my ym, hp are nonstopable.every body was too excited to join the 3K*kembare ke kuching*

i tought they are playing around.but then after tqa-stuffer come out with the schedule lawatan bagai..oOHH now i no they are serious..just a blink of eye.the participants are about 15 babes! we have made the decision to go there during our short break holiday before everyone entering their company where they are belong to do their internship.

excited.tomorrow is the day we are suppose to collect the money.- settle!-

evening - got esteem programing class at 2pm. i was so blank and blur with this programming .but then , after i had 2nd thought by en.yasmil and en-i-forgot-his-name yang agak kelakar itu .im confident to do the project by my self.huhu.the class takes 4 hours.pehhh!!i came back to my room at 6 pm. and singah cafe jap beli burger.
in class.the boys are too excited doing something i dunno.hawari tell me that the boys are planning to go to bandung at the same time we are going to's urs!

tonight- have a managemnt class for 3 hours.pehh!the class start at 7.30pm till 11.

midnight- doing ethics assignment and continue doing vb .

phew~~.i need rest.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


i think an ice cream can splendid my day.
but then, is just a temporary sense.

aim in the place of nowhere.hell ya!no place named nowhere.but aim exactly at nowhere.i lost my vital force, i lost my appetite,i lost my weng-weng time -being serious 24/7 is not me!, i lost almost everything that i loved before.

what is really happened to me?
i thing the burden that i carried is just too much!mybe 2 or 3 days short break will neutralize all the negative influence that i carried along this whole stressfulness day/week/month-hopefully!-.weekend is just too long to come for me.even today is a Wednesday.!!oh my~~

the hardest part that unwelcome to my life phase is ,aim not doing really good in my mid-sem papers.just ask me what papers?i can tell u within 1 sec!from hidrolik , to ethics then to management and then to design paper-it suck!. im just spoiling my grades!!!...listen,for the finals, i must work more harder if the mid sem marks are not helping.the final question is much2 more tougher then the mid sem question-everyone knows dat!.

now, i realize that.................

i keep pushing my self for this whole week.the worse enemy is myself!.stressing my mind to give a better performance in every tests so that i can maintain my pointer , straining my self to at least in the same boat with the smarter student in my class-although is just my phantacy!- and extra loading to become a someone special.-hell ya im tired for waiting someone who are capable to melting my heart!!..did i succeeds?dem!..i just so phatetic existence.

enough tired.

for the guys out there,im single-sound desperate but who cares!!! is the best can make a man become so passionte,energetic,fragile,independent ,strong and so on...what i need is a love. a true love...did i asking for too much?

for the studies.i thing the slower is better rather then faster and not knowing anything.=).chill my life .sure i will be happy like before.

**im singing a song named;If There's A Rocket Tie Me To It-snow patrol.**..bersangkut paut sgt.

[hectic life]

the hectic life never end.
as a student struggling with weird books and difficult to understand what the lectures had thought in the class is the common phenomena,assignments,projects, tutorial,lec's here and there,test ,test,and test really stressing me out!!its like u have an extra-extra ultimate load!really!!! one point.i just feddup with all this!


right now, i was just thinking to have my own family like them.
have adorable cute little bunny babies +a handsome and a kind husband+n me as a good wife , mother and muslimah too.-its a really different from my real life now!!dem i want it real!!
cemburu gile kat norzie pak wan chik!.u have such a great family.
looking into every people faces i noe that u guys are happy.



oOOps!!hawa back to the bussines.finish up your design notes!!u have design exam at 2p.m ni?remember?...go!!..go!!go away!!!...shuh!!shuh!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

[exam is just around my nose]

"peh!!mantap arr jadual xam aku...kalo 1 ari 3 paper ,lg la aku bertambah2 suke and seronok gile ar bak bermain roller coster di genting .!!.asl x harung je sekali...1 ari 6 paper..lagi bagus!!..kan?kan?kan?kan?"...(by , kate-kate org yang buang tebiat!!)


"peh!!!bapak arr 1 ari 2 paper...budget aku hebat arr nk abiskn stdy awl2 neh.seperti biase la time break 2, 3 ari 2 la nk stdy semue...sem ni xde sgt gap.mmg tergap lah aku mase menjawab early prepare.sediakan payung seblom hujan . "..(by, kate-kate org yang tidak membuang tebiatnye..ahak!)

berbeze bukan antare kate-kate di atas?..

yang penting aku mmg sgt x ready..g sebulan je oii!!!..
oi..oi ....exam..kenape engkau kejam terhadap daku?....jawablahh oi!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

[update yg x bape nk update]

malas nk gile.
aku nk tukar lagu si jaclyn ni pon x tukar2 lg..masuk2 blog aku je dgr lagu 2..tros rase pitam kemuntahan..bosan!!aku pnye blog pon aku da rase bosan da..apetah lg org laen .
den ponet eh blog2 bagai neh.ade mase eden tukor eh semo neh.eden nk tukar semue sampai kasi sapi2 kat kampung eden terkojut berok ieh!.

nantikan kemunculan @ kelahiran ~~covered In rain~~ yang baru..nantikan......hahaha-->>x yah ar.ntah bile ar 2 aku nk buat!tipu je...hahaha.

p/s: anis aku da penah buat tagged 2, tahun 2008(ujung thn la) eden x yah la nk buat lg ieh.=) war!-jgn rebel ok?..huhu

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

[kerja kenape engkau bekerje]

aku byk gile kerje.aku x minat nk mencarut seperti biase.ok!.aku byk kerje.aku bz dgn kerje smue sile kua dr bilik aku skang?!!!(haha..budget boss ar kan)... sampai m.u.n.ta.h:

1.project bunglo(yg sentiase tergendale)-design -by Prof Wan----summit:end of march(hopefully)

2.project hostel(ini pon x gerak lg!!)-managemant- by Sr.Faris---summit: end of this sem

3.tutor design 1 and 2-En.kat----summit(next ikot suke ati aku as aku da lambat anta)

4.tutor chemi 1 and 2 - Pn.Shahrom--(last wik..omg...x buat ape..baru salin soklan )

5.exam management (19/2/09)-7.30 pm-9.30 pm(dk-1)

6.exam design (25/2/09)-2 p.m -3.30 pm (dg)

7.project etika (korean apartment )--group 69(lame lg 2)

8.projeck innovation evaluation (new water for new era)...summit : last class english stdy -group disscusion ---next wik

10.project vb calculator + report (aku x dpt install vb ..da 8 kali try!!...bullshit!!cam ne nak wat kje ni..nii smue sbb virus2!!!!banggang..!)....Prof oak..summit next wik..

11.exam hidraulik part 2 (11/3/09)

smue nk kne siap b4 bulan march...
tinggal 6 minggu je lg .
6 minggu 2 mcm 6 ari kalo aku still malas , malas n malas ...
bley jd ...6 ari 2 mcm 6 minit je ...
aku x mau balik minggu ni( even kami sekeluarge mau tgk upin n ipin n ke sunway)

---final exam : 6/4/09----
----intership : 13/4/09----
haaa Gelabah-lahhhhHHh cepat!

Monday, February 16, 2009

[sunday-futsal at pavilion]

when the engineer's played futsal.
all of them bending for about 45 degree.
very accurate engineers ni.
ish..ishh..parah sakit nye ni

permainan yg syok sendiri..ish..ish....shidan g main kat lua skang!

penyeri karnival teknologi kejuruteraan.

house of wax's.

syat.aku.pida dgn ubi rebus ku.=)

sile tumpukan perhatian kpd eddy.


kami the jkassian

kami yg x amik bahagian dlm ape-ape bahagian pon.
kami dtg untuk menyokong sebahagian yang mengambil bahagian.
tp kami sgt bahagia dgn bahagian kami.

kami berdebar untuk kalah..haha

berseri-seri si isteri vvip.

kumpulan si kancil.
ade kumpulan name cak-cak abah kau!!hahaha-->gile lucu.

sesi photoshoot ntok nike.
yang chantek sile kehadapan.time kasih.=)

venue: pavilion ,ukm
event: karnival teknology kejuruteraan (ktk-2009)
motive : as a supporter to si kancil team

next event : [picnic]--in progress.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

[ketagihan dan keghairahan.........gile serius neh!]

keghairahan(bunyi dlm malay word mcm ke sisi sesuatu yg kotor)
passion(english)-nmpk kearah lebih positif.kan?
x kire ape pon bahase yg digunekan still membawe makne yang same.

aku x berminat nk continue entry aku yg kat bwh ni..aku mengalami masalah ketagihan yang serius..gile serius!!da la aku x amik langkah berhati-hati...[baru terpk td::prevention is better then cure lah. huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAA!!!xpe troskan pembacaan anda..--->].aku main redah je..jumpe je tros masukkan ....nampak je amik...ade mase je aku bukak n explore sampai puas!!...xkisah la penerimaannye mcm mane..aku troskan jgk dgn perasan yg berkobar-kobar dan ghairah yg x terkawal..(gile ghairah..uh..uh..uh)....setiap yang aku jumpe menawarkan layanan yang x terkate nikmatnye!!!!ngeee....n mmg x terhingge dahsat bestnye!!!! gile smue buat aku x senang duduk.tdo x lena.jike tertdo aku bangun balik.tdo lg aku bangun lg.n lg lg n lagi..smpai akhirnye aku tersedar jam menunjukkan pukul 4 pg...perghh!!..aku mmg keghairahan sehingge x sedar waktu still berputar seperti biase...

rupenye aku seorang yang ghairah rupenye...but!!!!bukan ghairah kepade part2 yang menjurumus kpd 18sx ye...kalo aku ghairah sekalipon perihal hubungan intim(seksualiti) biarlah ianye menjadi rahsia antare aku dan pasangan halal ku..x syok la plak kan nk cte bnde yg bukan2 n lucah kat blog..bapak kotor gile!!! n gile gampang!!.

----------------------->>troskan lagi pembacaan anda sehingge ke akhir garisan.. ok...malas da nk meneruskan kemerepekkan ini... aku sekang tgh gile install pelbagai-bagai software programme kat laptop aku ni ha. ade piano, keyboard , guitar lesson n bla..bla...bla(byk lah jugak instrument bley main ikot pilihan) gune software je..mcm mane nk gune? [install program itu disini.. (try dkt bahagian education.explorelah sendiri slps itu.)-->run kan program itu--> n try!] *ok nak main 2..x yah susah2 beli piano ke ape kan ..cume gunekan keyboard laptop kite n kite da bley main da seperti seorang yang amik mase la kan nak blaja..sesiape yang berminat bley la try.have fun yo!.

ok mmg byk gile aku install programme kat
web ni..(serius best!) ..da la free n ade bermacam-macam intaller..dr cooking recepi(just imagine..bnde 2 pin ade kat situ!)--->programme tukar rambut2 kite mengikut kesesuain muke(cume paste muke n bley tukar mcm2 rambut.gile interesting!)---->game pon x dilupekna jgk.(x byk pilihan tp ok la)..-->ade google earth(ok sy tahu ini agak yang terbaru pnye kite bley tgk secare 3d -ceruk bangunan pon bley nampak sekali wehh!!hebat bukan???)-->bg sape yg berminat dgn design,image and photograph(kat cn agak byk yg korang bley install)....n yg buat aku extra happy ialah programm vb pon ade!!lagi mudah...coding pon die bley tlg ajarkan aku blom sempat nk explore vb ni.nati sudah kembali ke kolej memulekan assingment vb aku ,baru aku start godek2 ini programme!

ok ..aku x dpt ape pon promosikan laman web aku nak share keghairahan dan ketagihan aku kpd kwan2 least kite ade something baru yang kite explore setiap ari apebila bukak internet..x lah balik2 facebook , blogger, patah balik kat semestinye itulah aku!!ha..ha..ha)..buat bnde yg same smpi la mampus!....

yg membuat kan blog ni lebih bagus ialah ..aku x perlu menceritekan secare details kpd setiap kwn2 aku tentang entry aku ini..sbb aku tao korang (dewi,anis,pida,syatirah,zati,tqa,dd,eny,zura,,bla,asila,ayen,n kadang kale aida,meera n kpd sesiape yg terview blog~~covered in rain~~ ..aku nk ckp..=)..time kasih ye!!)....n apebile kwn2 aku dah bace ni secare online...xperlu lah aku nak menceritekan berulang-ulang kali kpd diff.people(as aku mmg suke bercerite lah kan~) tentang 'keghairahan dan ketagihan ' secare 'LIVE' apebile kite berjumpe di class, cafe, kolej atao dimane saje kite berjumpe nati.. nati..hahaha..bagus bukan? la air liur aku seteguk cume..=)

keburukkan blog plak..nati bile berjumpe kite kurang bnde nak bercerite..sbb semue perihal tentang diri kite ape kite buat org dah da x de point nak berborak bile jalan terbaik...if aku ternampak contohnye la kan ....aku nampak si dewi..aku hanye perlu melambaikan tgn dan tersenyum...pastu ( dlm hati berkate: oohh myb dewi da terbace entry aku x perlu le aku cite ntok kali ke-2 )..begitu confident kah aku??hahaha...dan suasane akan menjadi sunyi sesunyi tasikkejut)..aku rase xperlu la kan sebegitu....~! is blog..kawan is kawan..bile berjumpe pasti ade je bnde nak bercerite.pok -pet pok pet siang malam bercerite x henggat dunie!...


k kawan-kawan aku rase kite patot memeriahkan suasane pemblogian ini as da ramai yang telah menjoin aktiviti pemblogian ini aku rase kite patot support each other pnye blog.kite bley start dgn meng-comment entry2 kwn2 kite.baru la ade 2 way comunication.btol x??..baru lah meriah and ade lah wujudnye interaksi antare penulis dgn pembace....bukan kah itu lebih seronok? jgn la memakse diri nk bg comment ..chill-chill je~!!

n if sesape ade explore bnde baru kat tenet bley la bgtao...sharing is loving. ok adios!

Friday, February 13, 2009

[manusie itu]

setelah sekian lame aku x menulis entry yang pnjg berjele-jele seperti kebiasannye, aku rase mcm... mane pegi nye "elter ego a .samad said " aku??...bertnye sendirian tnpe menemui jawapan .bg aku , aku lebih puas menype pjg2 dr meletakkan berpuluh2 gambar2 yg di paste pd kanvas blog aku ini..

kerne bg aku , tulisan sesuatu entry 2 menunjukkan berape jauhnye kekretifan si penulis ntok membuat kan cerite yg ingin disampaikan kelihatan menarik .ikot masing -masing la kan...if ko suke paste gmbr byk2..sape plak nk marah kan??..if x suke bace pnjg2 entry org..xyah la bace...baek g ngaji ade pe'dahnye...kerane 1 huruf yg disebut dlm al-quran dapat pahale....tol kan?as bg aku, aku x lah kate aku sgt la kretif dan blog aku ni bagus dan bermutu ..aku x ckp..ikot pd yg membacenye ...if nak kate ni smue sampah .aku terime!if nak kate blog ni caca merbe.aku pon terime!..if nak kate ape sekali pon aku terime dgn ati yg terbuke.what i really noe is i dun need any labels!!bley bwak ke kuburkah label-label itu?

dlm pemerhatian aku yg x bape nk tepat ni...manusie itu ade byk jenis...manusie yg dlm konteks aku ni ..adelah manusie2 yang idop dlm kwasan lingkaran kehidupan aku ...x begitu dekat dan x begitu jauh dr aku...mari lihat kes-kes dibawah :

kes pertame: manusie yang pelik tp bukan jelik.

mereke ni mmg normal dr luaran .cukup sifat malah lebih pandai dr org2 yg tang hormat menghormati org yg lebih senior 2 die kurang sikit.haruskah junior2 dimane pon kite berade dorang harus menunjukkan lagak yg dorang 2 lagi bagus dr senior sendiri ?aku rase x perlu kot.sehebat mane pon ko .ko still x ley challenge pengalaman senior itu. jgn lah nak tunjuk hebat ,da la x kene tempat.makin org kutuk lg ade.salah ke menjadi insan yg humble?senior bukan suh tunduk hormat ke ape..cume kalo cakap 2 belapik sikit.ade rase hormat.begitukan ajaran mak bapak kite di rumah?menghormati org yg lebih dewase.aku bukan nk ujudkan gap antare senior junior...malah mase kat skolah dulu mmg amat diharamkan panggilan itu setelah mengambil kire pendapat2 kawan2 lain..ade btol nye junior2 or adik2 kite yg dibawah itu amat la kerek n budget bagus...bley sye tahu?di bahagian manekah kebagusan kamu??? bukan semue berkelakuan begitu .ade yg ok.n for senior pon x de la smue perfect kan..bukan ke senior junior itu saling melengkapi ..mcm main puzzle....

kes kedue: kau seorang pengotor dan perlukah aku mengikuti jejak mu?

menggunekan kemudahan awam bersame besar tanggujawabnye..saling menjage n menjagai harta yang digune pakai seharian amatla penting..dlm kes ni , aku bg simple kes la...dlm toilet ade sinki..dkt sinki ade paip...dkt sinki org gosok gigi, cuci muke dan kadang kale menjadi tempat basuh baju , cuci pinggan mangkuk periuk dan ape2 lah aktiviti yang sesuai ntok dilakukan aku . aku paling xsuke org basuh pinggan dkt sinki dgn meninggalkan saki baki makanan...kadang kale ade kankung tersumbat. carrot.maggie . tulang ikan tnpe kepale. cebisan bawang besar dan byklah lagi!!!selere ke kite nk gunekan sinki itu?...perluke sepengotor itu??...bau-bauan makanan menusuk ke hidung...!!peh!celake je rase...nk gune ok .tp bersihkan balik.kan lebih bagus begitu....lagi 1 yg buat aku jd panas ati apebile ade kesan2 minyak/sambal/or kotoran kat kepale paip...mmg celake je!!...ko mmg sepengotor itu ke???

kes-kes lain akan diupdate nati,aku nk g tdo dlu.continue latter,adios!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

[3 days-tues,wed,thurs]hurghhhh!!

aida si bon.bon.(xxl)
hawe si bon.bon(m saje).

small girl.big world.

mereka teruje bergambar bersame aku.
sesi photoshoot bersame peminat.
[bukan senang nk jage hati semue pihak-ayat standard selebriti]=)..hahaha
kpd junior2 ku esok masih ade lg...okay???~!

booth kami.
ukm holdings.
mmg byk lah keje kat company ni.tgk board aku pon da tahu betepe penuh drawing mereke.
tgk project2 yg dorang buat pon aku da pening pale.
mcm mane la prof.wan bley handle ni smue?..hmmmm..

mengajar roomate ku erti landskap dan drawing .
perhatian yg aida berikan adelah amat mengecewekan sekali.try cek tengok!.hakhak..
tp sebagai insan yang tidak mengenal erti putus ase( yeke?)..aku still ajar smpi paham.
lumrah org bername hawe.buat keje sehabis baek.itulah moto kami!!ceitttt!!

pelaris di kampung paku laris...

sekian.ktk aku tahun 2009.
besok ari last.

Monday, February 9, 2009

[sunday][after wedding ceremony-pantai morib]

so hot.i mean the cuace lah.not refer to me la.aiyyo!

gedik tergedik-gedik

wah.gitew la kan.

bley buat cover page majalah pelancongan sgt~!.
perasan itu sebahagian asam garam kehidupan.
sedap ke makan makanan tnpe garam?

pantai morib yang menimbulkan pelbgai spekulasi hangat di medie cetak.
apekah itu?cari sendiri.
pantai ni x jauh dr umah aku .lebih kurang 8 km saje.
satu-satunye pantai yang terdekat ade kat selangor ni.
org kate dr tepi pantai bley tgk pulau-pulau kecil indon.
pantai ni bersambung degan selat melake.
nk ikotkan cerite, morib ni adalah kawasan yang tenggare sekali bg kalo ikot geografi (kalo aku x silap lah)..pantai ni berhadapan dgn indonesia.bahagian indonesia yg mane.itu saye x pasti lgi.
tp zaman dulu .dorang PATI2 mendarat kat pantai yang x terselamat 2 dorang akan karam lah ade satu mase ketike dulu.satu tongkang karam.semue org mati dan mayat2 dorang bergelimpangan kat sisir ade satu kejadian.dimane nelayan2 tertarik mayat-mayat pati ini semase pergi menangkap ikan.cerite itu ok lah kan.yg x syoknye.mayat2 itu dipenuhi dgn sotong2 yang melekat2 kt badan si mangse.geli doh!..dan..dan ikot ceritenye..xramai yg makan sotong time itu.termasuk la aku..huhu..kalo aku teringat akan cte ni.aku x makan lah sotong.kalo aku x ingat,make aku akan melahap lah sotong2 itu.huhu..
cte ni aku x tau la btol atau tidak.sekian.

[saturday][kota damansara-4pm]

me and adik si gedik.
in front of mapley the curve.
gile kerek pnye kedai mamak beserte mamak-mamaknye.apeda!

my mak.
with angelina jolie sexy lips.haha

the curious case of faz.

candid yg buruk.

kan aku da gtao adik aku mmg gedik gile.kan?kan...kan??

wah.front page cleo.haha

my butt and kak la

my butt again.
n so what?

chinese art

watting kak la n mak again.hmmmm~~

[saturday][6-7 a.m-klia]

sending adam's family to the klia.there are going to jakarta,indonesia for a family holidays.duh~! just a supir saje.poor me=(.
hiding back home,me kak la n mak having our breakfast at selera je nasi lemak sudah terkubur dan berkubur.lantaklah.

[friday]-right after adam finish his class.

mane satu nak makan ni?
adam tersangatlah lapau.
time rehat adam gtao aku die makan roti hotdog saje.
ma bg duit belanje rm 2. rm 1 beli roti.60sen beli pemadam as usual lah kan.=)
n balance 40sen lupe nak amik-tros blah lagak si kaye lah konon.hoho
so sgt lah lapau mamat ni pade ptg itu.
dan seperti permintaan adam .ma bnje mkn kt secret recepi.
antie we order : baked chicken with tumeric sause.
ma adam order: pepperoni cheese with mushroom ans shrimp.
nenek order : grilled chicken with black paper sause.
so yummmy~!!!!
yg menjadi pilihan hati si adam adalah ......jeng..jeng....the winner is:::::: nenek's meal.yes2!!!
gud thing is ,antie we x yah share dgn adam .hahaha..burpppp~!kenyang makan sorang2.hahaha.

next time i want to have an extra sause on top of my chicken.
tumeric is kunyit.
kuah kunyit saje.
tp sekali tgk menu ,name nak hebat.
tp mmg sedapppp!!haha.

adam n antie we favoritas.

my favoritta.

half melt cheese.
and other half baked cheese.
top is the respebery jem.

adam favoritta.

strobery and cokelat cake.siti sgtt~!!


the question is : where is caca on that day?
the answer is : caca is sleeping next to me.huhu.
the result is : i can njoy my meal peacefully!!.yaay~!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

*our interview-succeed.yaayy~!!*

pemenang ntok peraduan senyuman meriah.
tempat petame..ehem...hem..aku la kan.
-kalo penganjur peraduan ni x menang mmg malu besar laHH??..huhu-
sagu hati..jatuh kpd cik. shazwani anisSS.haha
pemenang kedue dan ke tige.xade.xcukup budget.
sbb 2 peraduan ni hanye ade tempat pertame dgn saguhati saje.harap maklum~~.
kpd anis next sem bley try n error lagi ok??.hakhak.

hey kao...nape cloze up muke aku?

sape weh !amik gmbr aku secare dekat ni.haissssh mengangu perjalanan idop aku pd ari ini saje.ilang mood secare tibe2.haissshh~

i should wear hills on that i??

we belong to the corperate world.

ketue sanggup turun padang melihat anak-anak buah .

bagus.tepukan ntok kepimpinan berkaliber aku.


engineers are the shape of the world.


dialog aku: " eee dorang ni...ketue x gerak semue x gerak..Tqa!!!!!! mane keje yg saye suh kamu siapkan?...cepat2!!jgn tersenyum lagi kat c2.syat ,dewi jgn senyum2 lg ye..jap lagi turn kamu pulak."...serius ni dialog aku.susah jadi ketue berwibawe mcm aku.ingat senang ke??..hahaha

ye aku da ready nk jd ceo .

girlsss!!!do ur work now!!!!!i said now!!!garang bukan????hahaha

walaopun muke aku x kelihatan keseluruhannye.

tp gmbr aku yg sipi tulah yang membuatkan gmbr ni menarik.kan??kan??kan??..hahaa

my staff.

they never complint about my leadership. month i up gaji u all semue ok??..setuju??

caption gambar2 kat atas 2 cume fantasy aku je.
tp alangkah bagusnyee kalo aku jd big boss pade hari itu.
the real story is like this::
event: interview for getting a job [position : refer to cover letter]
date : 2 feb 2009
venue : faculty of engineering , ukm.
interviewers: Pn.hajah Hanani.
accomplishment : succeed!
mode : happy.yaay~!