Friday, April 3, 2009

.cries and whisper.
it's synonym.

pompuan 2 .
benci la aku!!


serabut la kau ni!!
menyemak !
xde life sendiri ke?
kenape aku hangin kat ko?
sbb ko da buat aku marah!
ko xde life ke?

asl nak nyibuk kat kehidupan aku ?

dengan membe sendiri pon ko nk caras!!
ko ni banggang ke ape?

pompuan ke x?
best friend don't still others bestfriend boyfriends .okay~...ko penah dgr x ayat ni?

asl ko terus-terusan sakitkan ati aku.

sblum ko dtg dlm idop aku.
aku ok je dgn life aku .

skang ni?
miserable!!!..sbb ?..sbb ko la pompuan!!!!
ko bley tlg blah tak?

nahhh!! ..amik kaki ko ni..angkat p....p main jauh2..sejauh mungkin dari aku !!.

kalo xnk g gak..
aku nk amik secure an injuction to prevent the continuence of the heart break.

hati aku terluke..
ko tahu x?

kenape ko x tahu?

ko kan pompuan....kite same-same pompuan >>unless la ko buat plastic surgery kat thailand tukar jantina lain-lahh cite.

beze aku dgn ko ..
aku x caras sape-sape .

itu yg ko kene paham buat setakat ni. jadi pompuan jgn gedik!

da setakat ni je aku nk marah ko.

nati aku da dtg angin marah aku balik..aku marah ko lg.

the situation is: 2 girls and 1 guy at one heart place.
but,which one?

that bitch : pick me!pick me!
me : if u ever thing to pick her, we are done!


5 min after ...
i just got call from my dad.

n my heart suddenly burst!!

i cried..cried..n....cried all the way long.

dad...whatever u do, wherever u are , i'll always love u.
the dadies daughter cries for a reasonable things.i guess!

im sad.but dad, ur words just now make me wanna to cries ..again..again..n again.
the true hero of my heart is my- dad.
thank-you.n thank-you dadi.



Hawa... what happened? jangan arr sedih2 marah2 macam gini..
ko sedang di waktu2 sensitif ko..

in love-check
deep missing somebody-check

and all leads to unstabil emotion.
so gather all your courage, and overcome those feelings okay?

Whenever u need a break, me, our friends, are always there.

siLLy uNder tHe sky said...

siapekah si gedixx 2????

H for Hawa zulaikHa said...


tp bukan u girsss lah
saje je aku menycho diri sendiri.

Anna said...

omg!!!what happened?