one unfamous kopitiam near bangi .
-it's suggested by the waiter-
..its like..heloo~~.i have no idea why u are chosing this meal as ur at ur kopitiam..-dgn confident plak 2!!!-
i thing my nenek at kampung kat cook better then u meh..i bet u!
total cost for this simplest meehun fully covered with bunge kantan is rm5.oo
i thing the cookers should put ayam.sotong.udang inside my will look more yummy rather then setandan pokok bunge kantan on my plate...did i need to eat that bigger2 part like batang bunge kantan kot? ...are u really stupid? udangs at all.
in my case syat had to donated her udang to me..hehe.thanks=).
what do u expect kan?."mee goreng tomyam".1st impresion is so many things will come together with the mee..then, it is nothing!!better letak je name
'me hun berperise tomyam SAHAJE!"..
nah!then the customer will not dreaming to have a lots of 'things" kan? not satisfy with thiss!!..nk kaut untung je.. u thing when u put a signboard"kopitiam" u shud increase ur meal prices?..ashamed of u.!!
i just got plain mee..n it is cost about rm cekik ethics u da terbang g mane?..ur product must be in a good price and most importantly its a fair price!..
my advise is ,u shud rationalize the rates.that's all.!
nah!perhaps ,u will say"da tao x de duit yg g mkn kat situ pehal?' or " u will say"kecoh je psl mee hun kau?".."nk lebih masak arr sendiri"..or u gonna say"xde duit ckp xde duit!!"..hey brother n sister..we are the customer..we are always on the right side!oh my~~shud i keep remind u bout this??am i??...!if u are really mega multi rich u are not too stupid to pay for the things yg x balik modal to u..either u are too stupid enough then u can shut ur mouth shut and pay the not too stupid or pandai but for me i have the right to tell u for what am i thinking rite now.this is not becos of i sengkek sgt x mampu nk bayar bills.this is becouse of peniage sekarang suke2 ati letakkan harge even satu malaysia da tahu harge minyak da what is ur reasons for increasing any price suke2 ati u ?...think about that.
lagi satu ..if nk meniage 2 jual lah bnde yg that the customer would not fill regret dtg mkn kat situ.x rugi pon kalo ade good servise+good food.untung lg ade.
kalo da tahu masak ntahpape jgn buat kedai mkn.baik bukak bengkel menjahit baju.lg bgus!.
one more things.if u are eat at any nearest kopitiam n u kene pay fot thier tax.u are just been fooled by the owner.y?..kerajaan kene kan tax kpd pekedai bukan sbb suke2 hati kire mcm rolling money la.smue pekedai yg dpt mencecah sales per month about 3 milion(dulu up to 3M) wajib bayar cukai kpd pihak tertentu(kastam not sure),that money akan pegi ke tabung govermnet.from that money to la gvrmnt bley buat jalan n so on.
kedai2 yg familiar kene kan tax mcm kfc .mcd and blah..blah..
kite tahu n logik akal la kan..ade bpe byk branches kfc kat malysia kan..msti sale die bley mencecah 3M++++ per month ...
thats y ade tax ble mkn kat situ.
tp in kopitiam case...kopitiam yg popular mcm pak li /kluang/n blah2..aku x tahu bape max.kedai die da buat branches kat malaysia ni...nk capai untung 3M/month ?.pikirkanlah
kalo ade setakat 1.2 kedai je wujud.(refer to kopitiam yg x popular la kan.mestilah sales per month tentu2 x capai 3M tp kenekan tax)
so patut ke kite byr tax?
dgn tax je pekedai bley untung lbih kurang rm10,000+/- stiap bulan
so senang2 je nk kene byr tax?.nk bg bisnesman 2 bertmbh2 kaye ?...
if dia kate tax 2 ntok byr pekerje sbb angkat makanan.cuci lantai.
asal lak?!kite plak yg nk byr gaji pekerje die.baik kite je bukak kedai makan.
ape kes ?
so readers! .please be a smart customer dont be a stupid customer eventhough u are wealthy rich.
udang donater: miss.syatirah
having her mee dolly parton.wah name nk mee kicap je sbnrnye.
having her mee dolly parton.wah name nk mee kicap je sbnrnye.
weyh kat mane tue?? leh boikot..
kat bangi!!peh xsedap..baik g join korang mkn kat selera timur mlm 2 kan..kan?
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