Sunday, December 28, 2008


pg td aku bgn aku tros teringt betape byknye assingment aku(shortform aku pngil ass-ayat x bape nk cover).. 1.hidraulik-write and article desrcibing the recent flood events nationwide,possible cause,impacts,and propose possible mitigation measures(emphasis on engineering aspects) at any posible place at puri pujanngee yg tgh under construction!!mandi habuk aku..n bapak aku x paham arkitek drawing 2!!

3.chemical + bio process- tutorial 1..paper 2 mane ntah aku campak mase pindah dr bilik baru ke biliklame..mane aku letak weihhh!!aku da mule risau nih coz mmg x sempat nk buat sendiri apetah lg nk tiru org laen!! class mmg ade pg selase 2....3 jam plak 2 ...masak aku neh!...kalo aku balik pg selase dr umh..apekah nasib aku??

4.contract-cari term2 yg die suh cari..aku da lupe..n kne g jkr or badan arkitek malaysia(bam)ntok amik form of contract at least 2 or more..mane ade office bukak weii??...kan cti maal hijrah!

smue kne summit next wik iaitu ari selase..skang ni ahad..bsok bday kak ety..selebrate msti x ingt dunie..arini baru nk start..ntah ape la aku nk goreng lec aku neh!..

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